Emily McKenzie
Emily has significant experience on integrating nature in policy, finance, economics and decision-making. Prior to joining TNFD in November 2021, she led the analytical team that produced the global Dasgupta Review on the Economics of Biodiversity, based at the UK Economics and Finance Ministry.
Emily was previously seconded to the Capitals Coalition where she helped develop the Natural Capital Protocol in its Technical Group.
Emily worked for a decade in the WWF Global Science team, where she helped establish and lead the Natural Capital Project at Stanford University, helping decision-makers apply InVEST – leading ecosystem service modelling software. While at WWF, she supported The Coca Cola Company and Guggenheim Partners to consider dependencies and impacts on nature, and sustainability standards.
She helped design the Environmental Land Management scheme in England – a major national agricultural subsidy reform programme – based at the UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). Other previous roles included establishing environmental economics programmes at the Joint Nature Conservation Committee and the Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission as an Overseas Development Institute Fellow.
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