Evidence into action – delivering nature-based solutions at scale in the UK
Date & Time: Tuesday, June 18 · 6:30 – 8:30pm
Venue: St Cross College, Oxford
This panel discussion, hosted by Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) with The Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts (RSWT), will look at the challenges and opportunities for practical action in the UK for scaling up the delivery of nature-based solutions. The funding gap for nature’s recovery in the UK is estimated at £40-90 billion up to 2030, but there is increasing recognition of the central role that nature needs to play to address climate change, poor health and to support food and water security, with strengthened policy and new nature markets aiming to support significant growth in nature-based solutions. The Wildlife Trusts, one of the largest landholders in the UK, will discuss how they are harnessing the power of nature to deliver change for people across the UK, and how they are overcoming barriers to the scaling up of finance for nature-based solutions, including a wider look at the financing landscape from the Green Finance Institute. Speakers will include Estelle Bailey (Chief Executive, BBOWT), Kathryn Brown OBE (Director of Climate Change and Evidence, Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts), Matt Buckler (Director of Natural Solutions, Derbyshire Wildlife Trust), Helen Avery (Director of Nature Programmes and GFI Hive, Green Finance Institute) and Charlotte Newberry (Head of Landscape Recovery, BBOWT). Drinks and nibbles will be available before the panel.